Monday, March 26, 2012

A Handmade Necklace

As I promised in the previous post about posting my handmade necklace, now I got the time to do so. 
This necklace is purely handmade by me with all my heart. :D It can be purchased under my brand Pranaya that will be launched in the early April. Just wait ! And not to forget the price is so affordable and so are the other necklaces :)

Allah Loves Me in His Own Way

I have to say that today is not the best day ever. After waiting for almost two weeks, today is finally the day. The day that they announce are we or are we not eligible from our University, as a general practitioner. Well, not as I predicted, I'm not eligible (yet). I didn't pass one of my comprehensive examination, and the University give us the second chance to do over. 
I don't know how to react at first, knowing almost half of my batch are already being a doctor today, but not me. It felt terrible. I don't know if I'm overreacting, it just so devastated. Thankfully I got my boyfriend all along today. He's been very sweet and thoughtful, encouraging me that this is the way God loves me, so much.
If some people ask me, do I ready to be a doctor? I would probably just stand still, and don't know what to say. To be honest, being a real doctor takes more than just pass so many exams that we've done, it's more than that. It needs a commitment to a never ending study, and a pure heart to understand people. Maybe for awhile I might have forgot about the fact that if I pass or not, I still got to study for the sake of my patients. Now I understand that Allah still gives me times to realize about it all, and want me to be a better doctor in the future, not just a man with a white coat. 
If I'm gonna take a Hippocratic Oath some day, I will truly take it as a real doctor that ready to get off to the real world. 
Thank you Allah for loving me in a different way. I know it's gonna make me stronger.

Monday, March 5, 2012

A lil bit of something

Forgive me for neglecting this blog, i dind't mean to i swear :p
It's been too long, and with just a blink of an eye i just finished my coass year *not really a blink though :p
It's been one ride of a roller coaster, full of ups and down, happy and sad moments, hard and easy steps throughout the way, but the most importsnt thing is I really enjoy it, and pretty much sad when realizing that it's over, and me and my friends just separate to find each own path. Eventhough, we still have a couple of exams and not yet taking our oath, somehow I could already feel the emptiness by being away from my besties. 
This week is supposed to be a holiday week or study week for some people, but for me it's more like a rejuvinating week,why is that? Because I started to follow my passion more into the handy art thingy. This week I already make a bib necklace of my own, it's kind my first one though, because usually I made more of a statement chain/pearl necklace. I might show the picture in my next post :)
Well, it's a pretty exciting week, beside the necklace thing, these couple of days I could go out with my boyfriend like almost everyday, no more long distance relationship I hope. 
See you in the next post I might wanna upload some more picture first :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome 2012 !!

It's new year's eve people ! So glad i could spent this night in Jakarta with my family. I just got back from Hotel Harris Jakarta after celebrating Pras' sister's birthday, it was so nice, her boyfriend made her a very nice birthday video and gave her some gifts. Not to forget, me myself gave her a handmade necklace that is totally suits her *hopefully as a birthday present.

Entering the year 2012 made me realize a few things, like : how old am i getting *hehe, how little things i could done for others, how i missed all those times apart from my family, how old my parents get, how big my little brother now, how close i am to be a real doctor, and so many dream that haven't come true yet, and how little time i had to embrace all of those.

Knowing how short our lives is, made us think and come to cherish more every seconds left. May Allah SWT bless us all this year and forward. I think i'm gonna stay and make a new year's resolution. :)

Happy New Year Wonderful People ! and goodnyte :)