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What's so special about this? |
Watchout, it's a long story behind it. ;p
So, here is another story about my longtime boyfriend Mohammad Himawan Prakoso who lives in Jakarta that is just too sweet to be true ;)
Yesterday, he intended to come to Bandung just to see me, because he said that he miss me. We hadn't seen each other for 2 weeks *gosh . He came to Bandung by Cititrans, and arrived at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Then, we take a walk and angkot to Kedai Lingling in Cihampelas Street to eat lunch. We spent two hours to talk, shared about what just happened in the last 2 weeks while eating lunch. Yeah you see, we only got a couple of hours a week (sometimes 2) to see each other, so this is the quality time that we own. After lunch, we wanted to go to PVJ, to buy "kuaci" (sunflower seeds, one of my favorite food ;D ) like he promised me. Because the weather quite friendly, and the breeze is very soothing, we decided to walk down to PVJ, yeah literally walking. I'm not saying that it is a short Walk from Cihampelas Street to Sukajadi Street, but it was very fun and yet romantic for me. We walked along under the Pasupati Bridge, holding hands, smiles to each other, laughs, and sometimes keep repeating how lucky we are to have each other in our life. A friend, a besfriend, a partner, a lover, and a soulmate that each other could rely on to ;)
After we arrived at PVJ, we went down to carrefour to get the kuaci, but unfortunately, it was out of stock. I was sad for a moment, but he knew how to bring my smile back, so he quickly grabbed 3 Kinder Joys, Kit Kats and a Pringles. He knows that chocolates are always my bestfriend ;)
But we couldn't stay long, because i have my nite shift in the hospital at 7 pm. So, we went back to my house (walking again) eventually.
At around 6.45 pm, we walk down to the hospital. He is willing to accompany me because he wanted to see the situation at the Emergency Ward. Isn't he sweet? But sadly, he cannot stay any longer, because he had to get back to Jakarta at around 9 pm. Although we only saw each other for 8 hours yesterday, but it was the most precious 8 hours that could flipped my day amazingly.
I feel so blessed ;)
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