Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Words of Gratitude

While I' m studying about Diabetes from Prof. Dr. Sri Hartini KS Kariadi, Sp.PD-KEMD 's book, "Diabetes? Siapa Takut!!", there is something that tickles me. She explain all about diabetes and how to manage it. 
But what's catching me is how she reminds  us of how many people always thought diseases as a punishment for them, like Why me??!! Did i do something wrong??
If we think about it once again, maybe we would understand. 
Disease is not merely a punishment for us, it is more of a God's way to reminds us how to keep our body healthy, and try to balance our life, thus we could be  grateful for every single organ, for every single well-organized and well-functioning cell of our body, for every breath that we take, even the every beat of our hearts. How lucky we are ! Could we even count our blessing?

"Ada hal yang ditetapkan bagimu yang tidak kamu sukai, padahal hal itu baik bagimu, dan apa yang kamu sukai itu adalah hal yang tidak baik bagimu." 
(QS Al Baqarah :216)

"Tidak ada yang menimpa seseorang dari kepenatan, sakit yang menahun, kebimbangan, kesedihan, penderitaan, kesusahan, atau hanya tertusuk duri, kecuali Allah hapus dosa-dosanya." (HR Bukhari).

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